Cost Of Automatic Gate Repair And Replacement
If your automatic gate needs a repair, the cost of the repair is sometimes high enough to consider a gate replacement instead.
The exact cost of an automatic gate repair depends on the type of gate, what the problem is, what needs replacing, and whether the service call is an after-hours or emergency call.
Here is everything you can expect when it comes to how expensive it is to repair or replace an automatic gate.
Why An Automatic Gate Repair Is Necessary
When something is wrong with your automatic gate and it malfunctions, you are no longer receiving the full extent of benefits you expect to get with a gate. It is no longer convenient. Its security is compromised. The luxury of it is lost.
It’s important not to leave an automatic gate repair and to have any minor or major problems addressed quickly. Like any form of machinery, a small problem can fester into a much more expensive one or be a safety risk.
Always have any sort of malfunction – whether it’s electrical, technological, or machinery – evaluated by a technician.
What Can Go Wrong With An Automatic Gate
There are a lot of moving parts to an automatic gate, figuratively and literally. The gate motor can lose power from an electrical issue, a circuit-breaker flipping, or a solar-powered battery system not being able to retain its charge.
There may be issues with the hinges, the arm that attaches the motor to the gate, the track and rollers that guide a sliding gate, or the gate not properly opening and closing as intended.
The access control system can experience problems, from the remote control to the intercom system, keypad, and more.
The risk of an automatic gate repair increases when a gate has not been regularly maintained.
What You Can Expect To Pay For A Basic Automatic Gate Repair
There are a lot of moving parts to an automatic gate, figuratively and literally. The gate motor can lose power from an electrical issue, a circuit-breaker flipping, or a solar-powered battery system not being able to retain its charge.
There may be issues with the hinges, the arm that attaches the motor to the gate, the track and rollers that guide a sliding gate, or the gate not properly opening and closing as intended.
The access control system can experience problems, from the remote control to the intercom system, keypad, and more.
The risk of an automatic gate repair increases when a gate has not been regularly maintained.
Why An Automatic Gate Costs So Much To Repair
The total cost of an automatic gate repair is influenced by several factors.
The material your gate is made of has a lot to do with costs. Wood and wrought-iron is more difficult to repair. Heavy metal gates can be difficult to move, requiring specialized equipment and more labor.
Next, naturally what increases the cost of a repair is the amount of accessories that require replacement or repair. A wireless control, for example, can be very expensive to replace. A few of these types of accessories burning out at the same time or each requiring a repair can easily add up to a few thousand dollars in addition to your regular electric gate maintenance.
Many automatic gate repair services also charge a premium rate if it’s an emergency call, such as if you’re stuck in your driveway or outside trying to get in.
What You Can Do To Minimize Repair Costs
There are only a few ways to reduce the costs of an automatic gate repair and they are fairly simple.
The first way is to consider an automatic gate replacement. If the costs are high enough, a new gate may just be worth the money. This way, you know you won’t be facing another repair of such high cost for years to come with any luck.
The second way is to take the time to invest in automatic gate maintenance. Schedule a service call once a year. Have a technician come out and lubricate the gate opener, check the moving parts and the electrical, and confirm that everything is working as it should. Catch small problems that are easy fixes before they become larger, less affordable repairs.
Burned-Out Automatic Gate Motor Is Your Worst-Case Scenario
If the issue you’re having with an automatic gate is a burned-out motor, that is one of the most expensive parts of a gate to replace. It can easily be more affordable to replace the motor and gate than to attempt to repair it.
Before You Call An Automatic Gate Repair Service, Troubleshoot Yourself
At some point, you may need to call an automatic gate repair service to get a problem handled. However, before you do, depending on the issue, you may be able to handle it yourself.
For example, if the gate is locked and not automated as it should be, if there is a manual override, you can use it to release the gate, open it by hand, and at least get your personal circumstances comfortably resolved prior to scheduling a repair or replacement.
If the circuit breaker is the issue, reset it. If your gate runs on a solar panel, make sure the solar panel is clean.
If your automatic gate is not closing, there could be an obstruction somewhere in the way. Check to make sure the path is clear.
The average automatic gate opener lasts 10-25 years depending on how well it is maintained.
Schedule A Visit With The Best Automatic Gate Repair Service In Los Angeles
The cost you can expect to pay for your automatic gate repair is difficult to predict without a close inspection and assessment of the situation. To have your electric gate looked at by a professional, schedule a visit with InteleGates.
Your gate will receive a close look from a top-rated technician who will be able to diagnose the trouble, provide an honest look at what the costs are to replace as well as outline the costs for an automatic gate replacement.
Make an informed decision on how to move forward with servicing your gate.
InteleGates Inc. offer a range of access control services, including access control system, gate automation, intercom system service, entry key cards, gate keypad, gate remote controls, gate telephone entry, gate buzzer systems, and gate RFID entry system installation. Call us at 833-366-9855.